Please read carefully the guidelines and description 


  1. This map is only for Dr Joe Dispenza students and groups. Anything else will be deleted.(other teachers, topics etc)
  2. No advertising of any kind is allowed and will be deleted.
  3. There are three categories: walking meditation groups, 3D meditation groups and singel student.

Who can make a listing:

Listings for Dr Joe groups: it is best, if the person, who is in charge of the group, makes the listing. If it is not your group, you can ask the person in charge, if you can make the listing. If you cannot reach the person in charge of a group, but you are a member of this group, you can still make a listing.

 Listings for Dr Joe students can only be made by yourself, you cannot list another person. 

If any misuse is happening, no matter of which kind, you can report a listing by clicking on the flag button (at the upper right side of the listing). 

How to register:

If you want to place a listing, you have to register first. Go to my account and klick register, Enter your email and choose a password. You will get an email and you have to klick in the link of this email in order to confirm your registration. After you are sucessfully registered, you can login and make your listing. 

How to make a listing: 

  1. If you log in, you automatically  see your dashboard. 
  2. Klick on “submit listing”
  3. Fill in a title and description and then choose one of the three categories. Please be aware it is not allowed to write your website in the description. We will remove it, if you do. 
  4. Now you can enter  your contact information. 
  5. People will be able to contact you in several ways: in your listing on the map will be an option to contact you directly via a contact form, which will be sent to the email adress you are registered with. In order to receive this contact form, leave the box unchecked “Hide contact owner form from single listing page”, do not klick on it. Only klick on it, if you do not want to be contacted by others via your email. 
  6. It is optional to provide zipcode, phone and email. If you do, it will be shown in your listing
  7. By clicking on “add new” in the social media section, you can enter a telegram or whatsapp group or contact. If you add a group, it has to be a Dr Joe Dispenza 3D meditation or walking meditation group. No other groups are allowed and no advertising. 
  8. If you do not want to give any social media info, you have to click on the trash bin to delete it. Otherwise it will not let you send the form in the end. 
  9. Now you put the marker on the map. You can do this either by entering the adress, moving the marker with your mouse or giving the coordinates.  If you klick on “hide map” , the map will not be shown in your listing. It is recommended to not hide the map in your listing. 
  10. Last but not least you can upload a picture. It can be useful for walking meditation groups to upload a picture of the meeting point, so people can easily find it. Please be aware, the maximum size per picture is: 500kb.
  11. Now you have to agree to privacy & policy and terms & conditions. By clicking on “save and preview” you save it. You could now still edit it, by clicking on the edit button.

Please be patient, we will look through every listing, so it could take a few days, until your listing will be visible on the map. Meanwhile you can find it in your dasboard via "pending listings", in case you want to edit or delete it.

You will get an email when your listing is published. Please do not contact us within a few days.

How to make changes or delete your published listing: 

At any time you can login and in your dashboard you can click on edit your listing or delete it in your dashboard. 

Making a donation:

We do all the work for free. If you would like to make a donation, you can do it here via Paypal